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 with Heart

Stewardship with Heart

"Transparency, honesty, kindness, good stewardship, even humor, work in businesses at all times."

John Gerzema


Marion Eileen (Cameron) Giongo

"Let it be..."

In both finance and life, understanding the bigger picture is paramount. My vision of wealth management extends beyond mere financial transactions—it's about crafting a tailored narrative for every client through the lens of the ERX COORDINATED PLAN OF CARE.

This philosophy didn't emerge from boardroom discussions at Merrill Lynch, but from deeply personal trials. 

At 18 years of age, as a scholarship athlete at Syracuse University, my mother's diagnosis of end-stage renal failure due to Glomerulonephritis reshaped my world. Her trials, encompassing two kidney transplants and continuous dialysis, became a masterclass in the importance of holistic care and unwavering support. Thrust into the role of one of her primary caregivers, I had to learn to navigate the complexities of the healthcare world—deciphering medical jargon and standing as her emotional pillar during this battle for her life. 

These invaluable lessons imparted on me the meticulous nature required for exceptional care delivery. Such experiences enriched my COORDINATED PLAN OF CARE philosophy as a wealth advisor. My modus operandi is simple: holistic understanding, genuine empathy, and rigorous attention to detail. This trifecta ensures that my clients' financial ambitions are not just met, but exceeded. With this commitment as its bedrock, ERX Wealth Partners was conceived, aiming to guide physicians and a broader clientele towards their financial aspirations. Our dedicated ERX EMPOWERx team remains devoted to ensuring an unmatched caliber of engagement and service. 

My mother's journey has profoundly influenced my professional perspective. It underscored the essence of collaboration and the weight of an individualized, 360-degree approach in achieving great outcomes. At ERX Wealth Partners, we champion the enduring power of holistic wealth management, guaranteeing unparalleled service, and steadfast support for our clientele.

In tribute to my mother, whose legacy continues to inspire and guide me: Words fall short, but my gratitude and love knows no bounds.

Thank you, Mom.

In heartfelt appreciation,

Michael J. Giongo 

Co-Founder I Wealth Advisor I Principal Consultant