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Physician Life Stage Planning

The Real World Value of 

ERX Life Stage Planning

"Every philosophy is the philosophy of some stage of life."

Friedrich Nietzsche

Training & Transition

 “Learning is not attained by chance, it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence.”

Abigail Adams

Training & Transition  

It is all about exposure protection and loan management, and oh by the way, becoming a part-time risk management specialist and/or a financial planner. This part was not taught very well in medical school. But, now there is no time to waste. It is time to be preemptive. It is time you develop your global financial management structure. You begin by selecting the right financial team to assist you with critical guidance and decision making. 

This decision will become known as...The Difference Maker.


"We have all the light we need, we just need to put it in practice."

Albert Pike


The groundwork is in place. You are now making critical financial decisions that will impact your family’s future and/or your practices viability at what seems a harried pace. But, you feel the pressure lifting knowing you have your "A Team" in place. A great, trusted team of advisors to assist you with "The Big Calls" in life. You have "at the ready", reliable guidance in each planning discipline - tax, legal, financial. 

Bring it on!

The Finish Line & Beyond

"Action is the foundational key to all success."

  Pablo Picasso

The Finish Line & Beyond

Your financial needs morph as you approach retirement (red zone) after a successful career. You realize your retirement is now secure. The (tax efficient) distribution plans are in place.  All the boxes are checked. You think about what you REALLY want to learn, do, or try, or all three. You and your team are now putting the last touches on your legacy plans. You celebrate your final legacy planning meeting with your family, your friends, your team. You smile at the journey, and reflect on the race well run. 


Client Testimonial

Experience ERX 

Physician Family &

Group Medical Practice

6 year Clients

“I have worked with Mike Giongo for over 6 years. Mike has helped reorganize and protect all my assets, such that they have minimized risk loss or outside attachment of assets. 

Mike checks in with me on almost a daily basis with new ideas or strategies for my overall portfolio and he is only a quick phone call away at any time for advice."

Yoho National Park Of Canada

Schedule Your Consultation Today.

Experience ERX

Telephone: 610-724-2461

Email: info@erxwealthpartners.com

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