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Estate Planning

& Ethical Wills

Estate Planning

"My friends are my estate."

Emily Dickinson

Secure Your Future. Build Your Legacy.

At ERX Wealth Partners, we understand the importance of not just planning for the future but also creating a lasting legacy. Our team is dedicated to guiding you through every step of this crucial journey with comprehensive and long-term strategies tailored to your family's unique needs.

  • Life & Legacy Planning: Chart a course that honors your life's work and aspirations, ensuring your legacy is preserved and cherished for generations.

  • Income Tax and Financial Planning: Navigate financial complexities with expert advice, maximizing your income and securing your financial future.

  • Wealth Transfer Strategies: Protect and pass on your assets according to your wishes, providing peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

  • Family Office and Next Generation Resources: Access extensive resources to prepare the next generation for maintaining and growing the family's legacy.

With our deep, independent resources, ERX Wealth Partners is your partner in making informed decisions that resonate with your values and goals. Let us help you build a secure future and a lasting legacy.

ERX Wealth Planning Modules

We are committed to ensuring consistent stewardship across generations.

Ethical Wills 

A Love Letter to Future Generations...

We Believe In The Power of Ethical Wills. 

During our lifetime we will make many choices, face many obstacles and live many adventures that will shape and define who we are. Like most people, you may want to convey to your loved ones how those choices, obstacles and adventures have shaped, taught and molded you throughout your lifetime. Creating an Ethical Will can ensure that your legacy will live on through your loved ones.

A Love Letter {Ethical Will} is a document for your loved ones that communicates your love, appreciation, and memories of the people who have been an important part of your life. An Ethical Will is not a legal document; they have no standard form or structure; it is distinct from legal documents like a last will and testament or a living will.

The practice of leaving an Ethical Will is an ancient tradition referenced in the Bible and found in many cultures. Writing a Love Letter {Ethical Will} to your family members is an amazing way for you to share your life experiences - who we are, who we became, family traditions, and family history that might otherwise be lost forever - personal values, beliefs, blessings, advice and your hopes and dreams with your family.

What were the events that shaped you?

What are your priorities?

Your guiding principles?

What mistakes did you make, and what did you learn from them?

What essential truths have you learned that you can pass on to future generations?

What challenges you have meet and over come?

You might speak of what is good and admirable in each of your loved ones and of the gratitude you feel that each is in your life. It doesn’t matter if you send a letter, an email, a book, a video or audio recording, song or poem, or create a scrapbook or collage… what matters is the content. In writing from the heart, you will discover more of who you are and what your true legacy is; you will better come to understand how you have fulfilled your purpose and what you hope to be remembered for. There is no greater satisfaction in completing your gift and ensuring its safe passage to the next generation. Don’t forget to add: Family photos, recipes, clothing, and items of sentimental value.

Ethical Wills can be written and shared at any time. Some families want to share this information while they are still alive and can engage in conversations about the past. They can also be used to explain why certain decisions were made in a last will and testament or to tie the loose ends of a life together for oneself and others.

Steve Leder - Author
For When I Am Gone

An Ethical Will can be one of the most cherished and meaningful gifts you can leave to your family. 

Schedule Your Consultation Today.

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Telephone: 1-941-777-3575 or 610-724-2461

Email: info@erxwealthpartners.com

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